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Веб и дизайн
(JPG, 4326x2726)
2010-10-05 15:16 parad0x
![(JPG, 4326x2726) (JPG, 4326x2726)](http://gal.co.ua/sites/default/files/images/BE029910.thumbnail.jpg)
2726 пикселя(ей)
4326 пикселя(ей)
2409 Кбайт
(JPG, 2589x3850)
2010-10-05 15:16 parad0x
![(JPG, 2589x3850) (JPG, 2589x3850)](http://gal.co.ua/sites/default/files/images/arts.biz_.ua_religia_FA06003.thumbnail.jpg)
3850 пикселя(ей)
2589 пикселя(ей)
3031 Кбайт
(JPG, 2083x4785)
2010-10-06 17:16 parad0x
![(JPG, 2083x4785) (JPG, 2083x4785)](http://gal.co.ua/sites/default/files/images/arts.biz_.ua_religia_FA06002.thumbnail.jpg)
4785 пикселя(ей)
2083 пикселя(ей)
2310 Кбайт
(JPG, 3480x2326)
2010-10-06 17:16 parad0x
![(JPG, 3480x2326) (JPG, 3480x2326)](http://gal.co.ua/sites/default/files/images/TL006951.thumbnail.jpg)
2326 пикселя(ей)
3480 пикселя(ей)
2541 Кбайт
Набор макросов для придания эффекта тексту (rays_whipped_foamy_text)
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
1217 Кбайт
В набор входит 1 макрос для придания эффекта тексту. Запустите макрос, после чего, когда он остановится, введите нужный текст и снова запустите макрос.
Сборник клипарта: рамки
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
3177 Кбайт
В сборник входит 151 черно-белых изображений в формате PNG24 (с прозрачностью, размер 1111x1111 пикселей) с рамками.
Набор фигур с контурами диджеев, брейк-денсеров, гитары (break_dancing_gitare)
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
1094 Кбайт
В набор входит 16 фигур с контурами диджеев, брейк-денсеров, гитары.
Набор кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой (rons_wings_of_wings_8)
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
1674 Кбайт
В набор входит 6 кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой. Минимальный размер кисти в наборе — 948. Максимальный размер кисти в наборе — 1333.
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
1072 Кбайт
Набор стилей (1315_styles_66)
2010-10-05 13:57 parad0x
1074 Кбайт
В набор входит 8 стилей.
Анимационные конкурсы на RENDER.RU
2010-10-06 03:57 parad0x
Завершился Тренинг Эффективной Экстерьерной визуализации Станислава Орехова
2010-10-06 03:57 parad0x
16 октября 2010 года НОУ ДО «Центр компьютерной графики Render.ru» приглашает на мастер-класс "Мыслим монтажно!"
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
Набор кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой (rons_wings_of_wings_9)
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
2343 Кбайт
В набор входит 6 кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой. Минимальный размер кисти в наборе — 887. Максимальный размер кисти в наборе — 1608.
Zapf_ChanceC (два начертания)
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
1122 Кбайт
Набор стилей (1315_styles_67)
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
1102 Кбайт
В набор входит 8 стилей.
Набор макросов для придания эффекта тексту (ACF33CF)
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
1516 Кбайт
В набор входит 1 макрос для придания эффекта тексту. Запустите макрос, после чего, когда он остановится, введите нужный текст, растеризируйте его, и снова запустите макрос.
Набор фигур с бабочками и китайскими цифрами (butterfly_and_chinese_numbers)
2010-10-06 18:57 parad0x
1131 Кбайт
В набор входит 27 фигур с бабочками и китайскими цифрами.
Модуль: Etherpad Integration
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
Provides integration between Drupal and the open source collaborative editor Etherpad. Code coming soon.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsCincopa.com Multimedia GalleriesBy asak on the 4th of October, 2010
What is Cincopa?
Cincopa (www.cincopa.com) is a new kind of way to experience, share and post your personal media (images, photos, videos, music and podcasts).
How does it work?
This module will enable you to easily insert Galleries from Cincopa (videos, images, sound track and other cool stuff) into the body of your nodes, or any CCK field
which uses Input Formats, by using an Input Filter with a simple syntax, such as "[cincopa 123456]" where '123456' is the Cincopa Gallery ID (as shown
on the Cincopa galleries management page in your account). Just remember to select the Input Format for which you've enabled the Cincopa filter for - and you're good to go! the tag will be replaced with the actual gallery.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPincode LoginBy Vidar L?vbrekke... on the 4th of October, 2010
Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code.
This is made possible through the use of Drupals external login API.
Pincode Login provides functionality to:
- Automatically create Users, with a unique pincode.
- Logging in to a site using previously generated pincode.
Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules).
Alternatively the pincode_login_register($username, $mail) function can be used in a module or php snippet.
The pincode login module does not provide any out of the box rule sets or gui for the creation of users and distribution of pincodes, as this logic will vary greatly depending on each use case.
Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module.
Requires you install the tinymce plugin from:
Into your tinymce plugins directory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010
StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: Wysiwyg Image Map
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module.
Requires you install the tinymce plugin from:
Into your tinymce plugins directory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010
StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: Pincode Login
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code.
This is made possible through the use of Drupals external login API.
Pincode Login provides functionality to:
- Automatically create Users, with a unique pincode.
- Logging in to a site using previously generated pincode.
Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules).
Alternatively the pincode_login_register($username, $mail) function can be used in a module or php snippet.
The pincode login module does not provide any out of the box rule sets or gui for the creation of users and distribution of pincodes, as this logic will vary greatly depending on each use case.
Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module.
Requires you install the tinymce plugin from:
Into your tinymce plugins directory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010
StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: Cincopa.com Multimedia Galleries
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
What is Cincopa?
Cincopa (www.cincopa.com) is a new kind of way to experience, share and post your personal media (images, photos, videos, music and podcasts).
How does it work?
This module will enable you to easily insert Galleries from Cincopa (videos, images, sound track and other cool stuff) into the body of your nodes, or any CCK field
which uses Input Formats, by using an Input Filter with a simple syntax, such as "[cincopa 123456]" where '123456' is the Cincopa Gallery ID (as shown
on the Cincopa galleries management page in your account). Just remember to select the Input Format for which you've enabled the Cincopa filter for - and you're good to go! the tag will be replaced with the actual gallery.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPincode LoginBy Vidar L?vbrekke... on the 4th of October, 2010
Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code.
This is made possible through the use of Drupals external login API.
Pincode Login provides functionality to:
- Automatically create Users, with a unique pincode.
- Logging in to a site using previously generated pincode.
Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules).
Alternatively the pincode_login_register($username, $mail) function can be used in a module or php snippet.
The pincode login module does not provide any out of the box rule sets or gui for the creation of users and distribution of pincodes, as this logic will vary greatly depending on each use case.
Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module.
Requires you install the tinymce plugin from:
Into your tinymce plugins directory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010
StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: StyleWriter
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: Context Respect
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Модуль: meh
2010-10-05 05:59 parad0x
MEH Module
Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH??
Coming Soon...
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010
This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters.
Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available.
This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010
A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data.
Novel features of this topic map implementation:
1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold.
2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for:
Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.)
Association ypes (association types, like class/instance, supertype/subtype, and so on)
Finding aids (against topic map associations)
Topic maps
Scope (for example, Time and place)
Affordances (value add to user interface elements)
3. Data-driven application architecture.
4. LAMP stack implementation.
5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free.
Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered:
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010
Convert from Joomla! to Drupal.
Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments
Keep ID the same for users and contents, to help the migration easier with unchanged URLs
Support mosimage (if using Joomla! 1.0)
Use Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory
Support custom content structure like SOBI2
Designed to work on a new install of Drupal
This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643.
J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs.
The difference between J2D and J could be:
J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not.
J2D uses Batch API so that it works with very large DB for a minimal amount of memory. J does not and requires lots of memory.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPaypal IPNBy giorgio79 on the 3rd of October, 2010
This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :)
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration
By univate on the 3rd of October, 2010
Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure.
Взламываем Ecard при помощи фрагментированной SQL-инъекции (видео)
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
62000 Кбайт
Наглядный пример трудно обнаруживаемой фрагментированной SQL-инъекции. Elekt демонстрирует уязвимую конфигурацию Coppermine Photo Gallery и пишет эксплоит, автоматизирующий получение данных....
Модуль: User access
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports.
This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: JavaScript and CSS Preprocessing
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010
The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports.
This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: IMCE Rename
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
Adds file renaming functionality to the user interface of the IMCE file browser
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMakroBy doq on the 5th of October, 2010
Makro module allows administrators to record and playback browsing on web-site.
It is not recommended to install this module on your live web-site, instead you should only use Makro API module and execute macro from hook_update().
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsYammer FeedsBy confiz on the 5th of October, 2010
Yammer initially launched as micro blogging service and soon evolved to emerge as a full-fledged enterprise social network. It facilitates organization’s co-worker to discuss ideas or on-going projects with colleagues and experts.
The yammer feeds module provides access to yammer messages using OAuth authentication. The yammer feeds module pulls yammer feeds from a particular network and displays them in a drupal block.
Модуль: Makina Corpus
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: UWA Widgets
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: Project API
2010-10-06 00:59 parad0x
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Взламываем Ecard при помощи фрагментированной SQL-инъекции (видео)
2010-10-06 02:17 parad0x
62000 Кбайт
Наглядный пример трудно обнаруживаемой фрагментированной SQL-инъекции. Elekt демонстрирует уязвимую конфигурацию Coppermine Photo Gallery и пишет эксплоит, автоматизирующий получение данных....
Модуль: Previous Pages
2010-10-06 05:59 parad0x
Dynamic Breadcrumb system based on the previous pages history.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRegOnline APIBy coltrane on the 5th of October, 2010
Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010
The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports.
This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: Style guide
2010-10-06 05:59 parad0x
The Style guide module creates an API and preview page for displaying common theme elements. Use it to preview items such as tables, menus, and lists in your custom themes.
This module is under new development and seeking a co-maintainer.
HEAD is compatible with Drupal 7. There is no D6 code.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPrevious PagesBy sndev on the 5th of October, 2010
Dynamic Breadcrumb system based on the previous pages history.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRegOnline APIBy coltrane on the 5th of October, 2010
Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010
The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports.
This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Модуль: RegOnline API
2010-10-06 05:59 parad0x
Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010
The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports.
This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc.
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010
This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module.
At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations.
Written and maintained by:
Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk
Sponsored by:
CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010
Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal !
This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences.
UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources.
Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module.
Makina Corpus
Planet Makina Corpus | Contact us
Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique.
Спорт и здоровье
В данный момент в ленте "Все массаже" новостей нет.
Shiva Manas Puja (аудио)
2010-10-05 19:02 parad0x
5784 Кбайт
Мантра из альбома Sacred Chants of Shiva (диск стал классикой в Индии).
Как распознать хорошего любовника?
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Мне не везет с мужчинами. Они не устраивают меня в постели. Один — слишком резкий и быстрый, другой — словно «мямля»…
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 04:23:33 +0300
Доктор тепло - новое в лечении гинекологических заболеваний
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Воспалительные заболевания женской половой сферы – самая частая патология, с которой представительницы слабого пола обращаются к гинекологу.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 01:26:24 +0300
Почему важно иметь хорошую осанку
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Неправильная осанка может привести к целому ряду заболеваний, о которых мы даже не подозреваем.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 22:21:11 +0300
Мигрень и головокружение: связь есть!
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Ученые установили, что мигрень и головокружение, даже среди пациентов специализированных клиник, в большинстве случаев взаимосвязаны друг с другом.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 22:48:38 +0300
Оказывается, злиться полезно
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Сдерживание своих эмоций может приводить к серьезным проблемам здоровья. Как показали исследования, подавление эмоций ведет к повышению кровяного давления, истощению иммунной системы и повышению болевой чувствительности.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:09:08 +0300
Открыта генетическая основа счастливой любви
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Скоро в любви не останется ничего романтического. Потому что для всех ее проявлений будут найдены какие-либо научные объяснения.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:25:54 +0300
На помощь будильнику
2010-10-05 08:03 parad0x
Если утром Ваш будильник уже осип от бесплодных попыток разбудить своего хозяина, а глаза никак не хотят открываться, есть два выхода.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:38:06 +0300
Ученые выяснили, почему толстяки не могут похудеть
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Все попытки расплывающихся до необъятных размеров дам и крупногабаритных мужчин похудеть оказываются безрезультатными лишь по одной причине - они противоречат человеческой природе.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:03:30 +0300
Мясо или морковка?
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Летом, желая запастись витаминами на зиму, мы налегаем на овощи и фрукты в ущерб мясным продуктам. И, оказывается, поступаем неправильно.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:20:39 +0300
Рыбьим жиром сердце успокоится
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Доказано, что употребление рыбьего жира, который особенно богат омега-3 жирными кислотами, оказывает нормализующее действие на показатели сердечного ритма.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:41:30 +0300
Головная боль и иглотерапия...
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Как сообщает Британский Медицинский Журнал (British Medical Journal), лечение хронических головных болей имеет больший успех, когда оно совмещается с иглотерапией.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 08:01:53 +0300
Найден лучший продукт для похудения
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Африканский черноглазый горох признан самым перспективным продуктом для борьбы с лишним весом
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 08:29:41 +0300
Как успокоить раздраженный кишечник
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Разумеется, не всякое вздутие живота, урчание, боль и газы — это синдром раздраженного кишечника (СРК). Но в 30–40% эти симптомы говорят именно об этом заболевании.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:30:35 +0300
Ученые выяснили: от низкокалорийных продуктов толстеют
2010-10-06 11:03 parad0x
Желающие похудеть при виде этикетки «майонез легкий», «обезжиренное молоко», «диетический продукт» набирают такого добра полные тележки. На самом деле эти «легкие» продукты таят в себе опасность и могут принести совершенно обратный эффект ожидаемому.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:56:06 +0300
В данный момент в ленте "Все о бодибилдинге" новостей нет.
Влесова боротьба, часть 2
2010-10-05 12:06 parad0x
13165 Кбайт
В видео показана четвертая техника Славяно-Горицкой борьбы - Влесова боротьба (силовой бой).
Влесова боротьба, часть 2
2010-10-05 12:06 parad0x
Влесова боротьба, часть 3
2010-10-06 19:07 parad0x
10489 Кбайт
В видео показана четвертая техника Славяно-Горицкой борьбы - Влесова боротьба (силовой бой).
Влесова боротьба, часть 3
2010-10-06 19:07 parad0x
В данный момент в ленте "Воспитание ребенка" новостей нет.
Маршрутки: где лучше всего сидеть (видео)
2010-10-06 19:13 parad0x
5812 Кбайт
В видео объясняется, какие места в маршрутке наиболее безопасные. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.
Рыба: как не купить деликатесы из тухлой рыбы (видео)
2010-10-06 19:13 parad0x
12143 Кбайт
В видео рассказывается, как из тухлой рыбы делают свежую, и как определить такую подделку. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.
В данный момент в ленте "Как узнать характер человека по чертам его лица" новостей нет.
В данный момент в ленте "Все об имени, фамилии, отчестве" новостей нет.
Гадание 'Царский расклад': упражнения для повышения взаимодействия с картами (видео)
2010-10-07 02:16 parad0x
В данном видеофайле показаны примеры упражнений, позволяющих развить точность гадания по системе 'Царский расклад'.
Задорнов, Не понимаю 2 (аудио)
2010-10-06 15:16 parad0x
5000 Кбайт
Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Не понимаю'.
Задорнов, Не понимаю 2 (аудио)
2010-10-07 00:14 parad0x
5000 Кбайт
Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Не понимаю'.
Сплошная механика Медиаплеер Samsung YP-R0
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Чуть ли не главной «фишкой» нового медиаплеера от Samsung можно назвать… отсутствие сенсорного управления. По крайней мере, это явно помогло создателям новинки сконцентрироваться на прочих немаловажных параметрах R0
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000
Доктор Веб: вирусные события сентября 2010 года
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Средства массовой информации в сентябре были переполнены сообщениями о начавшейся кибервойне, связанной с распространением вредоносной программы Trojan.Stuxnet, и предположениями о целях создателей данного трояна.
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 18:02:19 GMT
#ru_lh Супебыстрый калькулятор: нажать в браузере Ctrl+K для мгновенного поиска и набрать выражение. Google only! http://twitpic.com/2unl4t
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
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С таким приложением для iPhone заблудиться в метро невозможно! RT @macradar Яндекс.Метро http://bit.ly/cXaIB3 http://bit.ly/bEZya8 #ru_lh
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 14:46:47 +0000
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Как сэкономить на топливе или ездить на авто по цене маршрутки? Очень просто – http://twurl.nl/m8va6x #ru_lh
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 09:34:31 +0000
WiseStamp для Google Chrome: как сделать информативную и элегантную подпись к e-mail
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 09:30:29 +0000
Лёха Мельников
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:15:07 +0000
Хакрадар: полезные советы по использованию
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Прошла почти неделя после запуска нового сервиса Хакрадар и присланные советы уже исчисляются сотнями :) Мы очень рады и, надеемся, вам нравится новый сервис, который существенно расширил массу полезного контента нашего блога. Хочу дать вам пару советов как сделать так, чтобы присланный вами совет заметили больше людей, которые могут вас тут же „зафолловить“ в вашем
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:50:30 +0000
Анонимоусы 4chan продолжают атаковать противников файлообмена
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Сайт юридической фирмы Gallant Macmillan, представляющей интересы лейбла Ministry of Sound в деле о нелегальном файлообмене, подвергся DDoS-атаке. 4 октября юристы Gallant Macmillan будут защищать в суде интересы лейбла Ministry of Sound,
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:45:21 GMT
Доля Internet Explorer опустилась ниже 60%
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Компания Net Applications опубликовала сентябрьскую статистику по мировому рынку браузеров. Internet Explorer, хотя и остаётся самым распространённым веб-обозревателем, вновь потерял пользователей. В конце прошлого месяца его рыночная д
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:53:44 GMT
TheVista.Ru и Internet Explorer 9: вместе веселее
2010-10-05 05:52 parad0x
Итак, мы продолжаем расширять доступность нашего сайта. И сегодня анонсируем ряд новых фич, которые стали возможными благодаря IE9 и Windows 7. Речь о функции закрепления сайта в панели задач.
Читать дальше>>>
Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 20:19:00 +0400
Устанавливаем и работаем с Nagios (видео)
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
68000 Кбайт
Задача проекта Nagios – разработка свободной системы мониторинга компьютерных систем и сетей. Такая система следит за узлами или службами и в случае возникновения проблем (например, служба не отвечает) оповещает администратора. Nagios производит мониторинг работы большинства сетевых сервисов: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH, Telnet, FTP, HTTP, DNS и многих других.
Как легально увеличить объем шары в p2p сетях (на примере обменника Direct Connect) (видео)
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
32000 Кбайт
В ролике рассказывается о легальном увеличении объема шары в p2p сетях на примере популярного обменника Direct Connect. Все, что нам понадобится - компилятор и пара стандартных виндовых функций. На десерт будет предложен более простой, но менее безопасный вариант, не требующий никаких усилий.
Сайт Cryptome был взломан, все файлы удалены
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
Сайт Cryptome, занимающийся публикацией правительственных и других важных не слишком публичных документов, был взломан и подвергся дефейсу в минувшие выходные. Все 54000 файлов, расположенных на сервере, были удалены. По данным представи
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 12:41:39 GMT
Французские провайдеры начали рассылать предупреждения пиратам
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
Французские интернет-провайдеры с понедельника начали рассылать электронные предупреждения пользователям, которые были пойманы на скачивании пиратского контента.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 11:40:31 GMT
Как записать музыку с онлайновых радиостанций
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
У активных пользователей интернета онлайновые радиостанции давно заменили обычные радиоприемники. Их преимущество над радиоволнами неоспоримо – огромный выбор музыки на любой вкус, высокое качество, отсутствие рекламы. Последнее обстоятельство лично для меня определяющее. По-моему, современное радиовещание убъют именно абсолютно неумеренные дозы рекламы. Шутка ли, современные так называемые “музыкальные радиостанции” дошли
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 10:37:25 +0000
Нарушение конфиденциальности информации в Evaria ECMS
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
Уязвимость позволяет удаленному злоумышленнику получить несанкционированный доступ к конфиденциальной информации на целевой системе.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:58:57 GMT
Обход ограничений безопасности в activeCollab
2010-10-05 20:52 parad0x
Уязвимость позволяет удаленному злоумышленнику обойти ограничения безопасности на целевой системе.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:59:45 GMT
Очень полезный ресурс для тех, кто часто летает. http://www.seatguru.com/ #ru_lh
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
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Как записать музыку с онлайновых радиостанций
Tue, 05 Oct 2010 10:37:25 +0000
Дмитрий Горчаков
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:38:44 +0000
Apple грозит штраф 625 млн долларов
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
Жюри присяжных федерального суда в Техасе признало компанию Apple виновной в нарушении трех патентов компании Mirror Worlds. Теперь крупнейшей IT-компании мира грозит штраф в размере 625,5 миллиона долларов.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:03:59 GMT
Минобороны Великобритании назвало Facebook инструментом террористов
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
Министерство обороны Великобритании выпустило для армии, флота и Королевских ВВС набор рекомендаций по пользованию Facebook Places - сервисом, засвечивающим местоположение пользователей без их ведома.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:44:57 GMT
Представитили IT-отрасли критикуют новую программу по информатике
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
"Примерная программа" обучения информатике, разработанная по заказу издательства "Просвещение", ориентирована на теоретический подход к преподаваемой дисциплине. Она уже начала собирать критические отзывы в ИТ-отрасли.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:04:02 GMT
Приморский суд рассмотрит дело мстительного хакера
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
В приморском городе Находка утверждено обвинительное заключение по уголовному делу в отношении лица, обвиняемого в неправомерном доступе к компьютерной информации в сети ЭВМ: мужчина взломал сервер компании, в которой раньше работал.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:24:17 GMT
Медведев подписал закон, усиливающий охрану авторских прав
2010-10-06 06:53 parad0x
Президент РФ Дмитрий Медведев подписал изменения в Гражданский кодекс РФ, которые усиливают охрану авторских прав.
Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:45:47 GMT
Sapato.ru: а почему бы не купить обувь в интернете
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
Я не люблю шоппинг и я не люблю ходить по магазинам, особенно обувным — бесконечные полки, постоянная беготня продавцов на склад чтобы узнать наличие моего размера. А потом еще и через пол города тащить пакеты с покупками. Очень здорово, что теперь обувь можно покупать в интернете! Делать это можно с удобным онлайн-магазином обуви Sapato.ru.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:00:24 +0000
Long Tail запросы – работаем с длинным хвостом в Google Analytics http://t.co/swGc3Gt #ru_lh http://twitpic.com/2v37q3
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
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Sapato.ru: а почему бы не купить обувь в интернете
Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:00:24 +0000
Слава Баранский
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:19:27 +0000
Вынос мозгов на витую пару: тест сетевого хранилища QNAP TS-210
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
QNAP TS-210 произвел на нас благоприятное впечатление, поскольку сочетает в себе неплохую производительность, огромное количество полезных функций, симпатичный дизайн и приемлемую цену
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:02:46 GMT
Symantec обновила логотип
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
Компания Symantec предложила метод борьбы с новыми и мутировавшими угрозами безопасности, сочетающий функции анализа содержащихся на компьютере пользователя данных с возможностями глобальной сети Symantec Global Intelligence Network. Нов
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:09:26 GMT
Щеголев: Международный союз электросвязи способен управлять Интернетом
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
Администрация связи России высоко оценивает роль Международного союза электросвязи и выступает за его постоянное совершенствование.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 09:25:31 GMT
Microsoft продолжает работы над проектом Midori
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
Появились новые подробности о проекте Midori, первые сведения о котором стали достоянием общественности более двух лет назад. Речь в данном случае идет о разработке корпорации Microsoft, предполагающей создание операционной системы новог
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 06:33:19 GMT
Facebook и Twitter обвинили в причастности к мошенничеству
2010-10-06 15:52 parad0x
Социальные сети Facebook и Twitter обвинили в причастности к мошенничеству на сумму около семи миллионов долларов . Федеральные власти выяснили это в ходе двухлетнего расследования по делу панамских торговцев наркотиками, которые перевез
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 06:36:14 GMT
Читаем, пишем и редактируем - набор полезных программ для ПК
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
Программа же FreeRapid Downloader способна эти ограничения обойти.
Читалка электронных книг FBReader
ЖЖ-клиент Xjournal
Графический редактор Ashampoo Snap 3.31
Дата: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000
Сумбурные заметки про python и django
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
Статьи -> Сумбурные заметки про python и django
Дата: 1286387376
Канадский суд заставил спамера заплатить $1 млрд за спам в Facebook
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
По решению суда спамер из Монреаля заплатит по 100 канадских долларов за каждое спам-сообщение, отправленное им через Facebook. Суд в Канаде оштрафовал жителя Монреаля Адама Гербуэса на $873 млн за рассылку спам-сообщений через социальную
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 17:14:21 GMT
Хакеры взломали вашингтонскую систему голосования
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
На прошлой неделе избирательная комиссия Вашингтона открыла новую электронную систему голосования для тестирования и пригласила компьютерных экспертов со всего света поискать в ней уязвимости. Тестирование продлилось совершенно недолго и
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 18:01:08 GMT
Суд оштрафовал канадца на 873 млн долларов за спам в Facebook
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
Facebook обвинила жителя канадского Квебека Адама Гуэрбеза в рассылке "миллионов сообщений", подав на него в суд с рекордным иском на 837 млн долларов. Cуд не только удовлетворил требования Facebook против частного лица, но и не стал снижать сумму штрафа.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 17:24:19 GMT
Межсайтовый скриптинг на сайте American Express
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
Уязвимость к межсайтовому скриптингу на сайте American Express может использоваться для фишинга
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 13:05:51 GMT
SMS-сендер для Android: исследуем недра операционной системы с помощью дебаггера и не только
2010-10-07 04:52 parad0x
На данный момент порт уже более-менее юзабелен — работают практически все модули. Ну что ж, посмотрим, какие возможности открывает нам этот порт
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:52:31 GMT
Курсы валют НБУ на 04.10.2010
2010-10-05 06:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 4 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1085,7129 грн. за 100 евро;2,5926 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 1 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:791,0000...
Дата: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300
Официальные курсы банковских металлов на 04.10.2010
2010-10-05 06:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 4 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 103856,99 грн.серебро - 1736,22 грн.платина - 132016,23 грн.палладий - 45086,43 грн.Напомним, на...
Дата: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300
Списывают ли банки долги?
2010-10-06 09:11 parad0x
Возможность покупать товары и услуги в кредит еще несколько лет назад активно и объемно использовалась гражданами Украины. После изменения экономической ситуации в стране материальное положение большинства украинцев изменилось и вопрос возвращения кредитов...
Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 11:20:32 +0300
Курсы валют НБУ на 05.10.2010
2010-10-06 09:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 5 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1084,0518 грн. за 100 евро;2,5938 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 4 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:790,9900...
Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300
Официальные курсы банковских металлов на 05.10.2010
2010-10-06 09:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 5 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 104094,28 грн.серебро - 1742,55 грн.платина - 131937,13 грн.палладий - 44770,03 грн.Напомним,...
Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300
Курсы валют НБУ на 06.10.2010
2010-10-07 05:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 6 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1089,9842 грн. за 100 евро;2,5989 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 5 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:790,9900...
Дата: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300
Официальные курсы банковских металлов на 06.10.2010
2010-10-07 05:11 parad0x
Нацбанк Украины установил на 6 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 104865,50 грн.серебро - 1759,16 грн.платина - 132965,42 грн.палладий - 44770,03 грн.Напомним,...
Дата: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300
Микрофинансирование малого бизнеса
2010-10-07 05:11 parad0x
Малый бизнес нуждается не только в энтузиазме и трудолюбии, но и в финансовой подпитке. Основная головная боль начинающих предпринимателей это поиск средств, которые имеют обыкновение быстро заканчиваться. Серьезные кредиты в банках дают не всем, да и боязно попасть в долговую яму.
Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 00:05:00 +0400
Porsche 918 Spyder поступит в продажу в 2013
2010-10-06 00:13 parad0x
Первые фотографии обновленного Volkswagen New Beetle опубликовал Autoblog. Этот автомобиль может быть представлен уже в следующем месяце на автошоу в Лос-Анджелесе.
Каталог авто | Автомобили | Volkswagen
Опубликованы изображения нового хэтчбека Toyota Yaris
2010-10-06 00:13 parad0x
Спецверсия Edition25, созданная на базе Multivan Comfortline, будет доступна в трех цветах: белый Candy, красный Salsa и серебристый Metallic.
Каталог авто | Автомобили
Volkswagen выпускает спортивную модификацию Multivan Edition25
2010-10-06 00:13 parad0x
В первое время СП в основном будет обрабатывать заказы на Actros и Axor, однако с увеличением объемов продаж для сборки в Набережных Челнах будут также доступны Atego и специальные грузовики - Zetros и Unimog.
Каталог авто | Автомобили
Угон автомобиля: возместит ли страховка потерю (видео)
2010-10-06 17:13 parad0x
15000 Кбайт
В данном видео рассказывается, поможет ли страховка при угоне автомобиля, и сколько денег вы можете получить по страховке за угнанный автомобиль.
издательству "Питер"
В данный момент в ленте "Учимся строить и ремонтировать самостоятельно" новостей нет.
Рыба: как не купить деликатесы из тухлой рыбы (видео)
2010-10-06 20:17 parad0x
18446 Кбайт
В видео рассказывается, как из тухлой рыбы делают свежую, и как определить такую подделку. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.
Другие сайты и рассылкиСайт, который ведет данную рассылку, принадлежит к сети сайтов FORworld. Рекомендуем посетить другие наши сайты. Или же вы можете просто посмотреть, что нового появилось на наших сайтах. Также рекомендуем подписаться на другие наши рассылки. Или присоединиться к нашим сообществам в ВКонтакте, Мой Мир, Facebook, LiveJournal Мы в:
Предлагаем воспользоваться купоном - cvkyp05r1n1jrdwvefclqwkz6lwx28db - на 10% скидку И еще можно скачатьВидеофайл: Администраторам: минимизируем последствия неприятностейВидеофайл: Работаем с DirectAccess, BranchCache Видеофайл: Работаем с дистрибутивом Thinstation Видеофайл: Работаем с Forefront TMG Видеофайл: Создаем ледяную надпись Мантра: Om Sarabee | Скачать новости дня одним архивом Веб и дизайн ![]() Высота: 2726 пикселя(ей) Ширина: 4326 пикселя(ей) Размер: 2409 Кбайт Картинкой поделились: http://myauto.co.ua ![]() Высота: 3850 пикселя(ей) Ширина: 2589 пикселя(ей) Размер: 3031 Кбайт Картинкой поделились: http://pencil.in.ua ![]() Высота: 4785 пикселя(ей) Ширина: 2083 пикселя(ей) Размер: 2310 Кбайт Картинкой поделились: http://pencil.in.ua ![]() Высота: 2326 пикселя(ей) Ширина: 3480 пикселя(ей) Размер: 2541 Кбайт Картинкой поделились: http://myauto.co.ua Размер: 1217 Кбайт В набор входит 1 макрос для придания эффекта тексту. Запустите макрос, после чего, когда он остановится, введите нужный текст и снова запустите макрос. Размер: 3177 Кбайт В сборник входит 151 черно-белых изображений в формате PNG24 (с прозрачностью, размер 1111x1111 пикселей) с рамками. Размер: 1094 Кбайт В набор входит 16 фигур с контурами диджеев, брейк-денсеров, гитары. Размер: 1674 Кбайт В набор входит 6 кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой. Минимальный размер кисти в наборе — 948. Максимальный размер кисти в наборе — 1333. Размер: 1072 Кбайт Размер: 1074 Кбайт В набор входит 8 стилей. Дата: Сайт: http://www.render.ru Дата: Сайт: http://www.render.ru Дата: Сайт: http://www.render.ru Размер: 2343 Кбайт В набор входит 6 кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой. Минимальный размер кисти в наборе — 887. Максимальный размер кисти в наборе — 1608. Размер: 1122 Кбайт Размер: 1102 Кбайт В набор входит 8 стилей. Размер: 1516 Кбайт В набор входит 1 макрос для придания эффекта тексту. Запустите макрос, после чего, когда он остановится, введите нужный текст, растеризируйте его, и снова запустите макрос. Размер: 1131 Кбайт В набор входит 27 фигур с бабочками и китайскими цифрами. Provides integration between Drupal and the open source collaborative editor Etherpad. Code coming soon. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsCincopa.com Multimedia GalleriesBy asak on the 4th of October, 2010 What is Cincopa? Cincopa (www.cincopa.com) is a new kind of way to experience, share and post your personal media (images, photos, videos, music and podcasts). How does it work? This module will enable you to easily insert Galleries from Cincopa (videos, images, sound track and other cool stuff) into the body of your nodes, or any CCK field Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPincode LoginBy Vidar L?vbrekke... on the 4th of October, 2010 Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code. Pincode Login provides functionality to: Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules). Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module. Requires you install the tinymce plugin from: http://code.google.com/p/imgmap/ Into your tinymce plugins directory. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010 StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module. Requires you install the tinymce plugin from: http://code.google.com/p/imgmap/ Into your tinymce plugins directory. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010 StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code. Pincode Login provides functionality to: Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules). Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module. Requires you install the tinymce plugin from: http://code.google.com/p/imgmap/ Into your tinymce plugins directory. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010 StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org What is Cincopa? Cincopa (www.cincopa.com) is a new kind of way to experience, share and post your personal media (images, photos, videos, music and podcasts). How does it work? This module will enable you to easily insert Galleries from Cincopa (videos, images, sound track and other cool stuff) into the body of your nodes, or any CCK field Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPincode LoginBy Vidar L?vbrekke... on the 4th of October, 2010 Pincode Login module provides fascilities to log in using only a 4 digit pin code. Pincode Login provides functionality to: Functionality for creation of pincode users is exposed through the Rules module (http://drupal.org/project/rules). Functionality for logging in is provided through a login page or a block. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsWysiwyg Image MapBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Image Map editor for tinymce provided by the Wysiwyg module. Requires you install the tinymce plugin from: http://code.google.com/p/imgmap/ Into your tinymce plugins directory. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsStyleWriterBy tmcw on the 4th of October, 2010 StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org StyleWriter is tailored to choropleth and scaled-point maps, although it can help with the rendering of any single-datasource TileLive-rendered maps. It collaborates with a verson of TileLite called TileLive that is available on GitHub. It requires the OpenLayers module, and also works with the openlayers_plus module to provide legends and allow quick swapping if you have both a point and a choropleth map displaying the same information. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsContext RespectBy kevinwal on the 4th of October, 2010 Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Extends the Context module by making it respect default block settings. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsmehBy dakku on the 4th of October, 2010 MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org MEH Module Ever have an emotion that you cannot express? Why not replace your smilies with a MEH?? Coming Soon... Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUbercart Attribute Default URL ParametersBy Dubs on the 4th of October, 2010 This module allows default attribute values to be passed via the URL query string parameters. Currently, this is a holding page. Once the module has been developed further, a release will become available. This project is sponsored by NuMedia Advantage. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTopic MapBy shunting on the 4th of October, 2010 A topic map is a set of topics and associations between them. Topic maps may be seen as a generalized way of implementing indexes, glossaries, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies, and other systems of creating, collecting, and navigating topics that are of interest to communities of users. This module implements a data-driven generic graph structure of typed associations between topics in Drupal node data. Novel features of this topic map implementation: 1. Wiki-like markup to create topic map associations embedded in content (author's perspective). For examples, see below the fold. 2. Plugin architecture and API enables expanded functionality by subject matter. Plugins are Drupal modules and can be created for: Notations (URLs, case law citations, lat/lon, etc.) 3. Data-driven application architecture. 4. LAMP stack implementation. 5. Drupal application brings content management, moderation, and social networking features to the topic map world -- for free. Content creators using the topic map module enter associations between topics in post data with a simple, wiki-like [[ ... ]] syntax. Like a wiki, this topic map application is data-driven, but this topic map syntax is richer, and its functionality is far greater. Here is a topic map association as entered: Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJoomla-to-Drupal converterBy jcisio on the 3rd of October, 2010 Convert from Joomla! to Drupal. Features Convert all users, contents, sections, categories, comments This module (J2D) was available even before the Joomla module (J) was created with its 5.x branch. The 6.x branch was created a year later. The whole discussion, and links to modules is given at http://drupal.org/node/249643. J2D is available, and has been reported to do the job well in the last two years. Therefore I create this project to easily keep a track of it. However, as I no longer use it, I'm seeking for a co-maintainer even my commitment is to fix all bugs. The difference between J2D and J could be: J2D supports comments (through the core comment) and SOBI2 (through CCK). J does not. This is a placeholder for the upcoming Paypal IPN module for Drupal. Stay tuned :) Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsTwilio SMS integration Twilio provides a cloud API for voice and SMS communications that leverages existing web development skills, resources and infrastructure. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Размер: 62000 Кбайт Наглядный пример трудно обнаруживаемой фрагментированной SQL-инъекции. Elekt демонстрирует уязвимую конфигурацию Coppermine Photo Gallery и пишет эксплоит, автоматизирующий получение данных.... Спасибо: http://xakep.ru The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports. This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010 The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports. This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Adds file renaming functionality to the user interface of the IMCE file browser Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMakroBy doq on the 5th of October, 2010 Makro module allows administrators to record and playback browsing on web-site. It is not recommended to install this module on your live web-site, instead you should only use Makro API module and execute macro from hook_update(). Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsYammer FeedsBy confiz on the 5th of October, 2010 Yammer initially launched as micro blogging service and soon evolved to emerge as a full-fledged enterprise social network. It facilitates organization’s co-worker to discuss ideas or on-going projects with colleagues and experts. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Размер: 62000 Кбайт Наглядный пример трудно обнаруживаемой фрагментированной SQL-инъекции. Elekt демонстрирует уязвимую конфигурацию Coppermine Photo Gallery и пишет эксплоит, автоматизирующий получение данных.... Dynamic Breadcrumb system based on the previous pages history. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRegOnline APIBy coltrane on the 5th of October, 2010 Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010 The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports. This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org The Style guide module creates an API and preview page for displaying common theme elements. Use it to preview items such as tables, menus, and lists in your custom themes. This module is under new development and seeking a co-maintainer. HEAD is compatible with Drupal 7. There is no D6 code. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPrevious PagesBy sndev on the 5th of October, 2010 Dynamic Breadcrumb system based on the previous pages history. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRegOnline APIBy coltrane on the 5th of October, 2010 Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010 The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports. This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Implementation of RegOnline's API in Drupal Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsJavaScript and CSS PreprocessingBy mfer on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides a pluggable mechanism for defining JS and CSS preprocessing schemes. What Drupal core provides is not optimized for specific use cases but is a general purpose solution. This module provides more preprocessing options and a pluggable mechanism to define your own. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUser accessBy Bilibul on the 5th of October, 2010 The user access module stores informations about users and nodes each time a node is viewed by an user. These informations may be then used in order to create site usage reports. This module greatly enhances the core node statics module. While the core statistics module counts how many times a node is viewed within a day, the user access module keeps track of each access enabling administrators to build more sophisticated views: number of access in a week, evolution of access hour after hour, etc. Furthermore, the user access module also keeps track of the users who viewed each node, enabling site administrators to produce very precise statistics: nodes viewed by users belonging to a specific role, number of nodes having a taxonomy specific term within a certain period of time, etc. Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsProject APIBy greg.harvey on the 5th of October, 2010 This module provides functions for downloading and storing project data from large online repositories. There is no UI, this is a developer tool only. It has been written alongside the Drush Make Builder module to allow for the download of the entire Drupal CVS projects repository to a local database, so it may be efficiently queried to build make files from the UI of that module. At the moment this module only supports Drupal.org, but if you need to achieve a similar thing with other repositories, e.g. your features server, Sourceforge, etc. etc. then patches are most welcome to support other locations. Written and maintained by: Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk Sponsored by: CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsUWA WidgetsBy David Stosik on the 5th of October, 2010 Universal Widget API (UWA) is a widget framework developed by Netvibes, mainly to integrate widgets to their platform, but compatible with other platforms such as iGoogle, Windows Vista, Mac OS X, etc. And now Drupal ! This module provides an interface to register in Drupal existing UWA widgets (using their URL), and then renders them as Drupal blocks. It is also able to store users preferences, and determine which users and which widgets are authorized to save preferences. UWA Widgets server module allows to manage a centralized "widgets library" on a server, and make it available to any Drupal using UWA Widgets client module. Any widget added in the library will be available to all client instances, making it easy to manage a pool of websites using the same UWA resources. Due to UWA's limitations, old widgets' password fields are stored in database unencrypted, and also sent as is in the HTML page (though passwords are processed by a very simple obfuscation function), so please be careful when using old authenticated widgets with this module. Credits Makina Corpus Sponsor Module sponsored by Cap Atlantique. Дата: Сайт: http://drupal.org Спорт и здоровьеВ данный момент в ленте "Все массаже" новостей нет. Размер: 5784 Кбайт Мантра из альбома Sacred Chants of Shiva (диск стал классикой в Индии). Мне не везет с мужчинами. Они не устраивают меня в постели. Один — слишком резкий и быстрый, другой — словно «мямля»… Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 04:23:33 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Воспалительные заболевания женской половой сферы – самая частая патология, с которой представительницы слабого пола обращаются к гинекологу. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 01:26:24 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Неправильная осанка может привести к целому ряду заболеваний, о которых мы даже не подозреваем. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 22:21:11 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Ученые установили, что мигрень и головокружение, даже среди пациентов специализированных клиник, в большинстве случаев взаимосвязаны друг с другом. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 22:48:38 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Сдерживание своих эмоций может приводить к серьезным проблемам здоровья. Как показали исследования, подавление эмоций ведет к повышению кровяного давления, истощению иммунной системы и повышению болевой чувствительности. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:09:08 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Скоро в любви не останется ничего романтического. Потому что для всех ее проявлений будут найдены какие-либо научные объяснения. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:25:54 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Если утром Ваш будильник уже осип от бесплодных попыток разбудить своего хозяина, а глаза никак не хотят открываться, есть два выхода. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:38:06 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Все попытки расплывающихся до необъятных размеров дам и крупногабаритных мужчин похудеть оказываются безрезультатными лишь по одной причине - они противоречат человеческой природе. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:03:30 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Летом, желая запастись витаминами на зиму, мы налегаем на овощи и фрукты в ущерб мясным продуктам. И, оказывается, поступаем неправильно. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:20:39 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Доказано, что употребление рыбьего жира, который особенно богат омега-3 жирными кислотами, оказывает нормализующее действие на показатели сердечного ритма. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 07:41:30 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Как сообщает Британский Медицинский Журнал (British Medical Journal), лечение хронических головных болей имеет больший успех, когда оно совмещается с иглотерапией. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 08:01:53 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Африканский черноглазый горох признан самым перспективным продуктом для борьбы с лишним весом Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 08:29:41 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Разумеется, не всякое вздутие живота, урчание, боль и газы — это синдром раздраженного кишечника (СРК). Но в 30–40% эти симптомы говорят именно об этом заболевании. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:30:35 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua Желающие похудеть при виде этикетки «майонез легкий», «обезжиренное молоко», «диетический продукт» набирают такого добра полные тележки. На самом деле эти «легкие» продукты таят в себе опасность и могут принести совершенно обратный эффект ожидаемому. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 05:56:06 +0300 Сайт: http://neboley.com.ua В данный момент в ленте "Все о бодибилдинге" новостей нет. Размер: 13165 Кбайт В видео показана четвертая техника Славяно-Горицкой борьбы - Влесова боротьба (силовой бой). Размер: 10489 Кбайт В видео показана четвертая техника Славяно-Горицкой борьбы - Влесова боротьба (силовой бой). ЧеловекВ данный момент в ленте "Воспитание ребенка" новостей нет. Размер: 5812 Кбайт В видео объясняется, какие места в маршрутке наиболее безопасные. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'. Размер: 12143 Кбайт В видео рассказывается, как из тухлой рыбы делают свежую, и как определить такую подделку. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'. НепознанноеВ данный момент в ленте "Как узнать характер человека по чертам его лица" новостей нет. В данный момент в ленте "Все об имени, фамилии, отчестве" новостей нет. Размер: 51133Кбайт В данном видеофайле показаны примеры упражнений, позволяющих развить точность гадания по системе 'Царский расклад'. Развлечения Размер: 5000 Кбайт Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Не понимаю'. Размер: 5000 Кбайт Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Не понимаю'. Другое Сайт: http://ht.ua Чуть ли не главной «фишкой» нового медиаплеера от Samsung можно назвать… отсутствие сенсорного управления. По крайней мере, это явно помогло создателям новинки сконцентрироваться на прочих немаловажных параметрах R0 Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000 Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Средства массовой информации в сентябре были переполнены сообщениями о начавшейся кибервойне, связанной с распространением вредоносной программы Trojan.Stuxnet, и предположениями о целях создателей данного трояна. Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 18:02:19 GMT Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru No Tags]]> No Tags ]]> С таким приложением для iPhone заблудиться в метро невозможно! RT @macradar Яндекс.Метро http://bit.ly/cXaIB3 http://bit.ly/bEZya8 #ru_lh /2010/10/04/tweet_26368683138/ No Tags ]]> Как сэкономить на топливе или ездить на авто по цене маршрутки? Очень просто – http://twurl.nl/m8va6x #ru_lh /2010/10/04/tweet_26347337543/ ]]> WiseStamp для Google Chrome: как сделать информативную и элегантную подпись к e-mail http://lifehacker.ru/?p=15693 Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:15:07 +0000 Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru Прошла почти неделя после запуска нового сервиса Хакрадар и присланные советы уже исчисляются сотнями :) Мы очень рады и, надеемся, вам нравится новый сервис, который существенно расширил массу полезного контента нашего блога. Хочу дать вам пару советов как сделать так, чтобы присланный вами совет заметили больше людей, которые могут вас тут же „зафолловить“ в вашем Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:50:30 +0000 Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Сайт юридической фирмы Gallant Macmillan, представляющей интересы лейбла Ministry of Sound в деле о нелегальном файлообмене, подвергся DDoS-атаке. 4 октября юристы Gallant Macmillan будут защищать в суде интересы лейбла Ministry of Sound, Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:45:21 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Компания Net Applications опубликовала сентябрьскую статистику по мировому рынку браузеров. Internet Explorer, хотя и остаётся самым распространённым веб-обозревателем, вновь потерял пользователей. В конце прошлого месяца его рыночная д Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 15:53:44 GMT Сайт: http://www.thevista.ru Итак, мы продолжаем расширять доступность нашего сайта. И сегодня анонсируем ряд новых фич, которые стали возможными благодаря IE9 и Windows 7. Речь о функции закрепления сайта в панели задач. Читать дальше>>> Дата: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 20:19:00 +0400 Размер: 68000 Кбайт Задача проекта Nagios – разработка свободной системы мониторинга компьютерных систем и сетей. Такая система следит за узлами или службами и в случае возникновения проблем (например, служба не отвечает) оповещает администратора. Nagios производит мониторинг работы большинства сетевых сервисов: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, SSH, Telnet, FTP, HTTP, DNS и многих других. Спасибо: http://xakep.ru Размер: 32000 Кбайт В ролике рассказывается о легальном увеличении объема шары в p2p сетях на примере популярного обменника Direct Connect. Все, что нам понадобится - компилятор и пара стандартных виндовых функций. На десерт будет предложен более простой, но менее безопасный вариант, не требующий никаких усилий. Спасибо: http://xakep.ru Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Сайт Cryptome, занимающийся публикацией правительственных и других важных не слишком публичных документов, был взломан и подвергся дефейсу в минувшие выходные. Все 54000 файлов, расположенных на сервере, были удалены. По данным представи Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 12:41:39 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Французские интернет-провайдеры с понедельника начали рассылать электронные предупреждения пользователям, которые были пойманы на скачивании пиратского контента. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 11:40:31 GMT Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru @photo Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 10:37:25 +0000 Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Уязвимость позволяет удаленному злоумышленнику получить несанкционированный доступ к конфиденциальной информации на целевой системе. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:58:57 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Уязвимость позволяет удаленному злоумышленнику обойти ограничения безопасности на целевой системе. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 09:59:45 GMT Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru No Tags]]> ]]> Как записать музыку с онлайновых радиостанций http://lifehacker.ru/?p=15731 Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:38:44 +0000 Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Жюри присяжных федерального суда в Техасе признало компанию Apple виновной в нарушении трех патентов компании Mirror Worlds. Теперь крупнейшей IT-компании мира грозит штраф в размере 625,5 миллиона долларов. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:03:59 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Министерство обороны Великобритании выпустило для армии, флота и Королевских ВВС набор рекомендаций по пользованию Facebook Places - сервисом, засвечивающим местоположение пользователей без их ведома. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:44:57 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru "Примерная программа" обучения информатике, разработанная по заказу издательства "Просвещение", ориентирована на теоретический подход к преподаваемой дисциплине. Она уже начала собирать критические отзывы в ИТ-отрасли. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:04:02 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru В приморском городе Находка утверждено обвинительное заключение по уголовному делу в отношении лица, обвиняемого в неправомерном доступе к компьютерной информации в сети ЭВМ: мужчина взломал сервер компании, в которой раньше работал. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:24:17 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Президент РФ Дмитрий Медведев подписал изменения в Гражданский кодекс РФ, которые усиливают охрану авторских прав. Дата: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:45:47 GMT Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru Я не люблю шоппинг и я не люблю ходить по магазинам, особенно обувным — бесконечные полки, постоянная беготня продавцов на склад чтобы узнать наличие моего размера. А потом еще и через пол города тащить пакеты с покупками. Очень здорово, что теперь обувь можно покупать в интернете! Делать это можно с удобным онлайн-магазином обуви Sapato.ru. Обувь Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:00:24 +0000 Сайт: http://www.lifehacker.ru No Tags]]> No Tags ]]> Sapato.ru: а почему бы не купить обувь в интернете http://lifehacker.ru/?p=15932 Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:19:27 +0000 Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru QNAP TS-210 произвел на нас благоприятное впечатление, поскольку сочетает в себе неплохую производительность, огромное количество полезных функций, симпатичный дизайн и приемлемую цену Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:02:46 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Компания Symantec предложила метод борьбы с новыми и мутировавшими угрозами безопасности, сочетающий функции анализа содержащихся на компьютере пользователя данных с возможностями глобальной сети Symantec Global Intelligence Network. Нов Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:09:26 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Администрация связи России высоко оценивает роль Международного союза электросвязи и выступает за его постоянное совершенствование. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 09:25:31 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Появились новые подробности о проекте Midori, первые сведения о котором стали достоянием общественности более двух лет назад. Речь в данном случае идет о разработке корпорации Microsoft, предполагающей создание операционной системы новог Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 06:33:19 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Социальные сети Facebook и Twitter обвинили в причастности к мошенничеству на сумму около семи миллионов долларов . Федеральные власти выяснили это в ходе двухлетнего расследования по делу панамских торговцев наркотиками, которые перевез Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 06:36:14 GMT Сайт: http://ht.ua Программа же FreeRapid Downloader способна эти ограничения обойти. Читалка электронных книг FBReader ЖЖ-клиент Xjournal Графический редактор Ashampoo Snap 3.31 Дата: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 00:00:00 +0000 Сайт: http://www.inattack.ru Статьи -> Сумбурные заметки про python и django Дата: 1286387376 Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru По решению суда спамер из Монреаля заплатит по 100 канадских долларов за каждое спам-сообщение, отправленное им через Facebook. Суд в Канаде оштрафовал жителя Монреаля Адама Гербуэса на $873 млн за рассылку спам-сообщений через социальную Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 17:14:21 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru На прошлой неделе избирательная комиссия Вашингтона открыла новую электронную систему голосования для тестирования и пригласила компьютерных экспертов со всего света поискать в ней уязвимости. Тестирование продлилось совершенно недолго и Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 18:01:08 GMT Сайт: http://www.securitylab.ru Facebook обвинила жителя канадского Квебека Адама Гуэрбеза в рассылке "миллионов сообщений", подав на него в суд с рекордным иском на 837 млн долларов. Cуд не только удовлетворил требования Facebook против частного лица, но и не стал снижать сумму штрафа. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 17:24:19 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru Уязвимость к межсайтовому скриптингу на сайте American Express может использоваться для фишинга Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 13:05:51 GMT Сайт: http://www.xakep.ru На данный момент порт уже более-менее юзабелен — работают практически все модули. Ну что ж, посмотрим, какие возможности открывает нам этот порт Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 10:52:31 GMT Нацбанк Украины установил на 4 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1085,7129 грн. за 100 евро;2,5926 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 1 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:791,0000... Дата: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Нацбанк Украины установил на 4 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 103856,99 грн.серебро - 1736,22 грн.платина - 132016,23 грн.палладий - 45086,43 грн.Напомним, на... Дата: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Возможность покупать товары и услуги в кредит еще несколько лет назад активно и объемно использовалась гражданами Украины. После изменения экономической ситуации в стране материальное положение большинства украинцев изменилось и вопрос возвращения кредитов... Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 11:20:32 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Нацбанк Украины установил на 5 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1084,0518 грн. за 100 евро;2,5938 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 4 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:790,9900... Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Нацбанк Украины установил на 5 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 104094,28 грн.серебро - 1742,55 грн.платина - 131937,13 грн.палладий - 44770,03 грн.Напомним,... Дата: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Нацбанк Украины установил на 6 октября официальные курсы валют на уровне:790,9900 грн. за $100;1089,9842 грн. за 100 евро;2,5989 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 5 октября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:790,9900... Дата: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 07:30:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Нацбанк Украины установил на 6 октября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 104865,50 грн.серебро - 1759,16 грн.платина - 132965,42 грн.палладий - 44770,03 грн.Напомним,... Дата: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 07:35:00 +0300 Сайт: http://biz.liga.net Малый бизнес нуждается не только в энтузиазме и трудолюбии, но и в финансовой подпитке. Основная головная боль начинающих предпринимателей это поиск средств, которые имеют обыкновение быстро заканчиваться. Серьезные кредиты в банках дают не всем, да и боязно попасть в долговую яму. Дата: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 00:05:00 +0400 Сайт: http://www.bisgid.ru Первые фотографии обновленного Volkswagen New Beetle опубликовал Autoblog. Этот автомобиль может быть представлен уже в следующем месяце на автошоу в Лос-Анджелесе. АВТО.РУ Дата: Сайт: http://avto.ru Спецверсия Edition25, созданная на базе Multivan Comfortline, будет доступна в трех цветах: белый Candy, красный Salsa и серебристый Metallic. АВТО.РУ Дата: Сайт: http://avto.ru В первое время СП в основном будет обрабатывать заказы на Actros и Axor, однако с увеличением объемов продаж для сборки в Набережных Челнах будут также доступны Atego и специальные грузовики - Zetros и Unimog. АВТО.РУ Дата: Сайт: http://avto.ru Размер: 15000 Кбайт В данном видео рассказывается, поможет ли страховка при угоне автомобиля, и сколько денег вы можете получить по страховке за угнанный автомобиль. За файл скажите спасибо: издательству "Питер" В данный момент в ленте "Учимся строить и ремонтировать самостоятельно" новостей нет. Размер: 18446 Кбайт В видео рассказывается, как из тухлой рыбы делают свежую, и как определить такую подделку. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'. |